Building Lives and Enhancing Zealously with Determination
Building Lives and Enhancing Zealously with Determination

About BLEZD: The name "BLEZD" was taken from a common response used by my mother. She often would be asked “Hello Sister Ross, how are you?” and her response would always be “I am blessed.” It wasn’t until I was older that I really understood the meaning of her response. She wanted others to know her current state of mind and being but also her acknowledgement of faith in her God. My parents played major role in shaping me into who I am on today. (Picture of my parents to the left)
Mission: The mission of BLEZD Inc. is to actively provide community resources, outreach initiatives, assist in self -development , development of life skills in various environments, STEM awareness and also mentorship throughout the community. BLEZD Inc is also committed to providing beneficial books to read which can help one to improve or bring about self awareness. Reading is FUN- Damental.Our purpose is to plant seeds within the community. These seeds are everlasting and intended to promote a lifetime of growth which can in turn be shared from generation to generation. We do believe that there is power in numbers and all things are possible through Christ. We aim to unite people for one common goal to help benefit others.To BLEZ someone does not cost anything.
What it means to Be BLEZD: BLEZD (blessed) is simply saying “I am good, and it could always be worse.” When I began to think of a name, the word “BLEZD” (blessed) really had alot of meaning for me. It was symbolic of how I live daily and very personal to me. Operating with the mindset of I am BLEZD eliminates lots of complaints and negativity. I encourage you to support this movement and to walk with confidence in knowing you are still BLEZD in spite of whatever may be going on in your life. God still has a plan for you. I believe we can and will reach many people and impact lives daily.